“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
Big Sky Resort - Montana
Whether you ‘tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen’ or hustle out the door and stop at Dunkin for a brown sugar shaken… not stirred… expresso with oat milk, we all have daily routines. Some habits make life easier and save brain power with the auto pilot setting while other endeavors are redundancies developed over time.
Creature of habit you might say? Yup. By definition, humans like animals have repetitive patterns due to comfort and familiarity. Geez. Sounds a lot like me. I’d venture a guess you have plenty as well?
Winter Park - Colorado
Let’s start with a little self reflection as it pertains to my photography. Several patterns exist and some repetition has been emerging from the shadows upon further review of my travel images. I could easily correct this shadow issue with a slider adjustment in Lightroom… okay, okay, I thought I’d toss in a little joke there. Back on topic… the pattern I see emerging is action/adventure images are captured from every vacation. Perhaps I’m just a moth to a flame and this is in my comfort zone?
I take a lot of pictures on holiday(s). Some of the opposite sex might say “too many!” “Rubbish” says the photographer typing this blog at the moment... “there’s no such thing.” A combination of snapshots and more artistic images fill my memory cards on every vacation.
As many of you know, I photograph plenty of sporting events each year. Shooting this type of venue is straight forward: Show up - push button… a lot. Okay, it’s not quite that easy, but you get the point. The competition is prearranged and the subject(s) is directly in front of you. The action is either going North/South or East/West to your film plane based on your position on the field. The time of the event is also defined… football games are 60 minutes, lacrosse matches are 60 minutes and baseball games are 9 innings. As such, the creative process has limitations due to time & place.
Long Beach Island - New Jersey
The world is diverse and travel offers an endless array of photographic subjects. You decide what story you wish to tell: people, culture, food, landscape, architecture, wildlife? The camera doubles as a passport and opens the door to creative inspiration.
I’ve always considered myself a Swiss Army Knife photographer of sorts. I do everything with decent competency, but nothing at a world class level. Something along the lines of… Jack of all trades, Master of Nothing. Perhaps I’ll go a step further and stake my claim; I’ve Mastered the Master of Nothing skill set.
Lake Garda - Italy
Taking things a step further, modern science stipulates we have five (5) senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch & taste. Getting the viewer to experience one and/or all of these senses is vital. Can you taste the pint of Guinness at Dick Mack’s Pub in Dingle? Or, perhaps smell the Risotto alla Milanese at Trattoria della Pesa in Milan? Pictures don’t have a scratch & sniff feature (not yet), but if you photograph them in a proper manner, they come to life!
It’s time for me to take some mental notes and ‘sharpen the saw’ before my next story telling adventure. Plenty of room for improvement and endless possibilities.
Marathon Day - Zermatt, Switzerland