I’ve always been a laggard when it comes to changing seasons. It takes me a while to find my rhythm at the beginning of each season and then, I kick & scream when the end is near. One foot in front of the other and a flip of the calendar should suffice.
I’ll admit the transition from summer to fall this year was easier. It was so bloody hot, I couldn’t wait for cooler days to embrace the landscape. I’ve been known to break a sweat tying my Hoka sneakers and wilt like daffodil in the summer heat… mucho caliente = no bueno.
For the record, the NYC region was hotter than normal this year and recorded 16+ days of 90F (32.2C), sweltering, off the charts, bring an extra shirt to work heat. We managed to receive two (2) years of 90F+ heat in one summer. Joy.