“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on a blog that’s
great for your readers.”
~ Brian Clark ~
Sante Fe, NM
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, only one third of Americans will read a book this year. Of the amount who do read, they average only 16 minutes per day. Compare this to viewing Netflix video content which consumes almost three hours of time each day. Perhaps this shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it’s certainly disappointing.
Back in 1966, a program entitled “Reading Is Fundamental” was launched to help increase children’s literacy. It was proven that reading helped kids with communication skills… oral & written… and afforded them a better understanding of what people were saying. It also provided a bond between mother & child.
As much as I’d like to bring back the era of newspapers and magazines, it’s not going to happen. The world has evolved… for better or worse… and the “Mad Men” days of advertising are sadly, long gone.
With that being said, why am I proposing you should write a blog said the inquisitive reader? Good question. A quick back story will explain my thought process.
A few years ago, I attended a Santa Fe Workshop in New Mexico. It was going to be three fantastic days in photographic heaven.
Upon enrolling in this adventure, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect? I simply loved the idea of surrounding myself with like minded photo geeks and getting lost in the creative life for 3 blissful days. I was so excited to shoot, process and talk photography from sunrise to sunset.
Two wonderful instructors took us through the various components of how to improve our photography and the entire experience was tremendous. The surprising element which emerged from the workshop… and one that never entered my mind… was the idea of writing a blog. It wasn’t part of the curriculum, or even a thought, so why would this enter my mind?
On the 2nd or 3rd day of class, a fellow student and I approached the instructor during one of our breaks and she (not me) inquired about writing a blog. It seems she always fancied the idea of penning a few words with pictures. But, in her words, “Who would want to read my blog?” The instructor (who’s name escapes me at the moment), quickly responded, “Who cares as long as YOU enjoy the process!” Hmmm… what an interesting answer was my first thought. He was effectively saying, if 1 or 100,000 people read your blog, what’s the difference as long as you enjoy the creative process?
I’ve always enjoyed writing, but never thought of writing as a hobby or business. My dad was a Journalist back in the day and had a weekly column in the local paper. He wrote in a easy to read style and tried to keep things simple. He wasn’t flowery and didn’t try try to out sophisticate the reader. As a member of MENSA, he had the vocabulary to be sesquipedalian (c’mon… that’s funny?), but thought it implied a certain level of arrogance. He wanted to attract readers… not lose them.
And so it began… I too started a blog about a year later. As I approach the end of my 5th year of blogging, I still find the photography easier than the writing, but consider the overall process enjoyable. I really don’t care if I have 1 reader or 100,000 as I’m not looking to be an Influencer… far from it… and don’t care for endorsements or sponsors. It’s the creative process that fascinates me, so I will continue to post monthly until either it’s not enjoyable anymore or something else fancies my attention.