Photographers use science & technology to create their end product and this isn’t considered in the classical definition of art. Artistic vision is often the main ingredient for photographers, but suffice to say, technology plays a vital role in creating a masterpiece.
Conventional painters on the other hand, don’t utilize technology to create the finished product; they simply combine artistic vision with raw materials… paint brushes, canvas, oil, water color, etc… It’s an old school process that hasn’t really evolved over the last century.
As such, I don’t believe photography falls into the classic definition(s) of art.
If I had to come up with a modern day definition, it would be more like the following:
“A form of communication whereby an individual conveys feelings,
mood and energy through a creative vision to invoke
emotion, interest or curiosity.”
If I could expand upon this further, it would ideally include some element of exclusivity or uniqueness. I won’t go as far as saying ‘one of a kind’, but something in this vein comes to mind. The more rare the image, the higher the realized or perceived aesthetic value.
I tend to think this is because painters create… dare I say… exclusive pieces of art. For example, there is only one Femme au Chapeau (aka Women with a Hat) by Henri Matisse. Other painters may attempt to replicate or copy his style, but everything from brush strokes, colors, materials and the presentation of Matisse is unique to him. His soul is in the painting. I’m not sure this can every be duplicated(?).