Mark A. Carruthers

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Summer Vibes - LBI Style

“Time wasted at the beach is time well spent.”

~ Anonymous ~

Brant Beach, NJ

It all began in the summer of 1972… An energetic kid of 9 years of age was invited to go to the Jersey shore by his friend “Whacky Packy” and his family. Call it a beach sleep over before sleep overs were even a thing… this kind of stuff didn’t happen everyday and it was hard to control my youthful enthusiasm.

I didn’t know anything about Ship Bottom, Long Beach Island (LBI) or the State of New Jersey. It didn’t matter, all I knew was a 2 hour drive would motor us to a different world… sun, beach & fun… and maybe some ships at the bottom of the ocean for a mask, snorkel & flipper exploration. What did I know?

Because the family station wagon was the vehicle of choice in the ‘70’s. it was our ticket to vacation paradise. I vaguely remember the ride down the Garden State Parkway that day, but distinctly remember the staticky, soulful music pumping out of the one speaker AM/FM radio. Whether you were Dancing In the Moonlight, mining for a Heart of Gold or simply thinking It Never Rains In Southern California… King Harvest, Neil Young and Albert Hammond were providing lifetime memories for all who listened.

Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge - Holgate Beach Wilderness

Ironically, this past week while driving to LBI for another year of sun, beach & fun in my Subaru Outback with an XM Siri radio with four speakers, Albert Hammonds halted the conversation when his 1972 classic, “It Never Rains In Southern California” lit up the satellite airwaves. Transported back in time faster than a DeLorean with a flux capacitor, I was reliving the days of old.

Plenty has changed on LBI over the years. The 18 mile long barrier island is still as popular as ever, but the old Doo Wop houses of yesteryear have been replaced over time. Named after the music of the ‘50’s these one story cottages with gable roofs and screened in porches have been replaced with McMansions of monumental proportions often times with multiple a/c units. Call it evolution… or regression as there’s often a fine line between the two as bigger isn’t always better… the island marches forward to its own cadence, but yet continues to provide memories of a lifetime for 9 year kids.

The more things change the more they remain the same.

Until next time…
